Seeding a Better Future with a Back-to-School Reflection

Some people like to reflect on the past year at the beginning of the next one.  I’m usually too burnt out by the holidays to think that clearly so I prefer to do my annual reflections when my energy is highest: at the start of the school year.

I got into the habit of annual reflections a few years ago.  I’m always amazed by how much I forget that I’ve done or learned over the year, and not taken the time to recognize myself for my own progress.  Celebration is not the only reason to look back, however.  Looking back allows you to see what you can build on in the year ahead – and in my experience, nothing seeds your life for a better future than a good, solid intention for moving forward.

Try it yourself, and watch what happens.  Here’s your back-to-school reflection:


  • What’s different now, compared to six months or one year ago?

  • What evolved over the last year, as a direct result of my intentions?

  • What have I learned since last year?

  • What new strengths are supporting me?

  • What do I now sense is possible?

  • What do I sense my challenge is now, and what help will I need in that?